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Bugs, Bugs Everywhere & What to Do About It


Bugs, Bugs everywhere and my bug-spray isn't working!!.... ugh, haven't we all been there. So many little biters, so many choices of bug-spray.

"Am I using the right oils?", something all of us have uttered a time or two.

In my family, my kids and husband have it the worst. Bugs don't seem to like me that much, and I'm ok with that. I don't like them either. However, when one of the fam are near, which you know Moms of the world is ALWAYS, they consider me a bonus.

Black flies & horse flies are my nemesis! They love everyone, especially my kids. It breaks my heart to see their ears & legs bleed so much, it sent me on a mission.

I've bought products and used other peoples' recipes with some success but none of them could help with the little pesky black flies. I've found most recipes are good for mosquitos or ticks and other such things but never at the same time. I need something I can use at the camp. One product for all the biters!

We have black flies, mosquitoes, ticks, horse flies, no seeums, and other flying @&@$holes. Why do we camp there? It's gorgeous, the lake is small and it's my happy place. Only issue with it IS the bugs. Thankfully, by August, I'm usually only cursing the mosquitoes lol

While each are in abundance, I like to have them not bite us. Weird right?!

There is no such thing you say!!!? I've found Wild Soul Outdoor Spray comes closest. I formulated it to be effective on most outdoor bugs that bite.

While I won't give you my ratios, I'll tell you what's in it and why. If you have most of these oils or at least some of them please feel free to use them together!

Those that don't wish to mix their own I very conveniently have some for sale.😉

Either way here are the best oils that I have found to work for us on black flies, ticks, mosquitoes & no seeums.

Eucalyptus (Lemon) Essential Oil (eucalyptus citriodora): has 70% citronellal while the citronella plant (Cymbopogon winterianus) has 31-40%. OMG you say, what does that mean? It means the flying biters hate it more than they hate the citronella plant! I like it because it smells more like lemon than it does citronella or eucalyptus, which can be strong. Lemon eucalyptus is still eucalyptus however, and is a stimulant, so those with high blood pressure or epilepsy should avoid it. I know sad right?!!! If this is you, try replacing it with cintronella essential oil, the effects will not be the same but it should be close. Lemon Eucalyptus has also been approved by the CDC as mosquito repellent. It is an uplifting, antidepressant and has a clean scent and has been known to be a great air freshener. Though I would chose other oils for air freshening lol.

Other bugs including ticks, black flies, no seeums, deer flies, & chiggers strongly dislike it as well.

I could go on for years about Lemon Eucalyptus and it's benefits....... in a different blog post, so you're safe! LOL!

Tea Tree Essential Oil (melaleuca alternifolia): this essential oil alone is perfect to keep black flies at bay. Dilute this in a rollerball, and roll onto forehead, neck, ears etc... it won't keep them from being annoying or trying to figure out why you smell bad but very few seem to brave a landing. I use the Wild Soul roll on and the Wild Soul Outdoor Spray during the thick of their season. I have found that black flies are stubborn and even the highest deet containing spray I can find, has not worked for me as well as tea tree essential oil. It also deters the other flying biters and should you get bit, it will help heal and soothe it.

Note: I put this oil neat onto the brims of our hats. Not anywhere it would touch the skin.

Lavender Essential Oil (lavandula augustifolia): at first I thought I might used this to make it smell better and help soothe bug bites should they happen. Let's face it, not all bugs are smart or know whats good for them. I soon found out ticks, mosquitoes, flies & most other unwanted fliers hate it! PERFECT!!! Along with all the regular benefits of lavender, it deters bugs, how sweet is that! Since then, I have planted lavender in the planter box on the deck! It has the best scent just sitting there looking beautiful. This summer will be the test as to whether it works for the deck area. I'll update you later on my results.

Peppermint Essential Oil (menta piperita): sidebar: piperita is fun to say... you tried, I know you did lol ANYHOOZLE, peppermint is an amazing deterrant for ticks, mosquitos & black flies (to a lesser extent), deer flies, spiders, mice & other random bugs or creepy crawlers. For the purpose of the outdoor spray, we are concerned with the flying ones. It smells uplifting, will help the headache the flying devils give you, is cooling when on and soothes bug bites as well.

Lemon 5 Fold Essential Oil: the terpenes are removed during the processing of this oil, which makes it safe for use outdoors, regular lemon oils that contain terpene and are phototoxic. Since, we only want the bugs to burn, I use this one! Ticks & Mosquitos don't like it and it pulls the blend together nicely. It's also cooling & refreshing when applied. If you don't have Lemon 5 Fold essential oil and only have the regular, please omit this one, it's not worth the burn.

Most people who use essential oils have most if not all of these and could easily run to your... well... wherever you keep them, and mix up a batch to test out! Remember to keep your dilutions on point and have fun!

These oils are safe for children over 3 years of age. I'm a Mom who doesn't create many things that my kids can't use, and in fact MOST things I create has started with them in mind. If you have children under 3 years and over 6 months, omit the Lemon Eucaluptus.

It's also important to note that the Wild Soul Bug Torches, Wild Soul roll-on (mixed into macerated aloe) & Wild Soul salve all have this concoction. At different strengths of course, but I've found this mixture of essential oils to be so effective, it needed it's own line!

Check out my other products on the Shop Page.

Be Safe & Happy Oiling!

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